Global Hope Rising Foundation

The Global Hope Rising Foundation has a vision to restore Hope through the teachings and commentary of Dr. H Robert Rhoden.

The bible tells us that Faith, Hope, and Love abide with the “greatest of these being love.” In utilizing the teachings of “Faith,” while distributing the words of “Hope” through various media sources, our objective is to move people in the direction of “Love” for one another and Jesus Christ, the standard of these attributes. 

Bob Rhoden Speaking 2

Our Mission:

To encourage and guide people to find Hope in Jesus Christ.

Our Values:

Christ focused, people centered, dedicated to serving others with excellence and integrity.

Our Vision:

To see the teachings of Hope, as presented by Dr. H. Robert Rhoden, spread globally to positively impact others and restore people’s Hope all for the Glory of God.

Our Doctrine:

We affirm and accept the doctrinal statement of the National Association of Evangelicals.

Hope is believing that the future will be better than today and you can do something about it.

Recent national news broadcast suggest that we are experiencing a scourge of loneliness in the USA and over half the cases are young people.

Being alone and being lonely are two different things.  One can be alone without being lonely.  Loneliness is therefore a state of mind and is an emotion brought on by feelings of separation from others and God. 

This ministry will address topics like loneliness and offer Hope through the words of scripture. We will share stories of people who have overcome dark places in their life.  We want to light a candle rather than curse the darkness.

How important is Hope?

In a confusing world filled with many issues, it is easy to lean in the direction of hopelessness.  In Christ, there is the exact opposite, it is a life filled with Hope. It is the goal of the Global Hope Rising Foundation is to assist in pointing to the WAY, which is a life relationship with Jesus Christ, thereby restoring Hope.